In the area of Church Planting & Outreach, we support 4 partners:
 - the Arab Anglican Church in Coburg
 - Redemption Church in Craigieburn
 - John & Deb in the Middle East
 - Stephanie Hale from our own congregation, who works in the Head Office of Operation Mobilization (OM)

Holy Trinity Coburg (Arab Anglican Church) Farag Hanna

Holy Trinity Coburg is run by Farag Hannah. It’s a rapidly growing Arabic speaking congregation. We help to cover the costs of the youth worker and camps.
Holy Trinity Coburg Facebook Page

Redemption Church in Craigieburn

Redemption Church is a church plant in Craigieburn, which currently meets at Hume Grammar. We help their costs and provide prayer support as this small and lively church grows to a critical mass.

CMS Victoria, John & Deb, Middle East

John & Deb work at a thriving church in the Middle East. There are international workers there from all over the world, who are often attending church for the first time.
Link to pray for J&D

OM  (Operational Mobilization) Stephanie Hale

OM is a local and international Mission organization. Stephanie Hale, one of our members helps to run the admin side of the organization from the office in Melbourne.
Link to pray for OM Australia